- BCEA::NData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::N.outcomesData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::N.resourcesData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::QALYs.advData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::QALYs.deathData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::QALYs.hospData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::QALYs.infData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::QALYs.pneData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::c.ptsData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::costData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::costData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::cost.GPData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.hospData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.otcData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.time.offData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.time.vacData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.travelData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.trt1Data set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.trt2Data set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.vacData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::dataData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::e.ptsData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::effData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::effData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::life.yearsData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::pi_postData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::smokingData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::smoking_outputData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::treatsData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::treatsData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::vaccine_matData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::NData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::N.outcomesData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::N.resourcesData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::QALYs.advData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::QALYs.deathData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::QALYs.hospData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::QALYs.infData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::QALYs.pneData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::c.ptsData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::costData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::costData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::cost.GPData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.hospData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.otcData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.time.offData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.time.vacData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.travelData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.trt1Data set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.trt2Data set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::cost.vacData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::dataData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::e.ptsData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEA::effData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::effData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::life.yearsData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::pi_postData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::smokingData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::smoking_outputData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::treatsData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::treatsData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions
- BCEA::vaccine_matData set for the Bayesian model for the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination
- BCEAweb::N
- BCEAweb::N.outcomes
- BCEAweb::N.resources
- BCEAweb::QALYs.adv
- BCEAweb::QALYs.death
- BCEAweb::QALYs.hosp
- BCEAweb::QALYs.inf
- BCEAweb::QALYs.pne
- BCEAweb::c.pts
- BCEAweb::cost
- BCEAweb::cost
- BCEAweb::cost.GP
- BCEAweb::cost.hosp
- BCEAweb::cost.otc
- BCEAweb::cost.time.off
- BCEAweb::cost.time.vac
- BCEAweb::cost.travel
- BCEAweb::cost.trt1
- BCEAweb::cost.trt2
- BCEAweb::cost.vac
- BCEAweb::data
- BCEAweb::e.pts
- BCEAweb::eff
- BCEAweb::eff
- BCEAweb::life.years
- BCEAweb::pi_post
- BCEAweb::smoking
- BCEAweb::smoking_output
- BCEAweb::smoking_parameters
- BCEAweb::smoking_results
- BCEAweb::treats
- BCEAweb::treats
- BCEAweb::vaccine_mat
- BCEAweb::vaccine_parameters
- BCEAweb::vaccine_results
- survHE::dataA fictional survival trial.
- survHE::msmdataNICE TA174 dataset in multi-state format.
- survHE::ta174NICE TA174 dataset.